June 12, 2006

oh, kids! we have to love them

i found this interesting website (bluebutterfly.org) yesterday when i was looking up, oh i can't even remember. anyway, it has good tips for making homes healthier for children, and i listed it at the bottom here. i think children are such an important part of life, and though i have yet to begun a family, i love them. two of my good friends are expecting in a month, which i think is super exciting, though extremely life changing. i remember when my (now 8 year old) brother was born. i was almost 17 at the time, and life became crazy around the house. and strangely quiet so early in the evenings, Mix 104.3 was off limits after 7pm. for teenagers, it was such a change, but we loved the little man. and of course, we still do. even better than a newborn!

he said the funniest thing to my mom. he was sitting in the garden just staring at a rose plant for 15 minutes. then my mom finally asked what he was doing. and he said "oh, just watching these two spiders. they are dating." my mom asked why he knew that. "oh, because they are holding hands, even their tiny little hands!" he said. kids are so funny, what they take in from the world, and then how they process those thoughts and then re-project them onto their surroundings. i hope my kids are just as cute as johnny. and smart and healthy and happy. a healthy environment is so important....

Blue Butterfly: Creating a Healthier Future for Children

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