May 23, 2006

Local or organic?

i think like many other socially-environmentally conscious people...we over think things. do we do plastic or paper or byo, do we use this soap or that soap, buy in bulk or only the amount you need, make your own or support a local bakery, etc, etc, etc. so here's one: buy local or buy organic: which is more important, has a better impact on the market, is better for farmers, is better for the environment, is better, ultimately, for us? with organic it's better for our health, we're not eating all those chemicals and pesticides that cause crazy problems and probably cancer later in life. also organic keeps these same chemicals out of our water, soil and air. but local, you support a local business, keep farming in your area, and prevent all those fossil fuels to be consumed in the shipping of goods around the country/world. so, what do you do? here's an article that talks about this issue. essentially, we just have to make choices and decide, for our own reasons, that one is better than the other. read on.
Local or organic? It's a false choice By Samuel Fromartz Grist Magazine Arts and Minds 18 May 2006

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