this website has essentially compiled lots of facts about countries around the world and projected those facts into map form. wow, some of these are amazing. it's one thing to know that we as americans are welathier, fatter, more educated, and generally more comfortable than lots of other countries in the world. yes, disgustingly, that's how it is. and, when you see these facts displayed visually in a worldmapper format, it becomes quite clear just how fortunate (maybe?) people in certain countries are.
the two maps i haev displayed here highlight a pretty weird and convoluted fact. us has the largest military budget. in fact we look like a swollen tick after it's wobbled off from a huge meal on some poor animals neck. we also have the smallest number of casualties since 1945. strange... where does all that money go? do we have to spend all that money? why are so many people dying in other countries and yet we have tons of military power? does this make you feel a little bad?

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