just got back last night from a canoe trip down the colorado river. it was fiarly flat water, a few little rapidy things but nothing too crazy. bryan and i put in friday evening and had a leisurely trip down the first part of the river, between steep red canyon walls and green banks an dlots of little beavers swimming around. after setting up camp on a rocky ledege we took a skinny sip in the river, and it was pretty much dark at this point. and then spent a couple hours eating cherries and chatting about life and playing games until we were sleepy enough to actually go to bed. and we had a great night's sleep except for the puppy running through the tent all night and dragging things like giant sticks and muddy water bowls and our chacos across our faces and in the tent. and it rained for a good part of the night. which was lovely. i love the sound of the rain on a tent. and my new tent (msr hubba hubba) worked wonderfully. i highly recommend it. and rain in the desert is always special and welcomed with open arms. saturday we got up and packed the canoe back up and floated (with a tad bit of rowing) down the river to mee canyon. we stoped at the mouth of the canyon and set up camp, around 2...just in time for another deluge of rain. after naps and lunch we took a beautiful hike up the canyon. it smelled so wonderful and the birds all seemed to approve of the after rain afternoon. at dinner along the river we pretended to be in a french resturaunt and had more cherries and chcolate. and slept much better because the puppy was tired and slept. morning greeted us with a gray face again so we had a leisurely breakfast and took a lovely swim when the sunshine finally showed up. and packed up camp very slwoly and headed down the river even slower. we spent time chatting and meditating on the beauty of life and checking a gauge along the river and eating lunch and
being in the hot sun and getting poured on and splashing eachother and taking swims and just enjoying our time. then, sadly the adventure came to an end. and we pulled out and packed it all up and drove home and said good bye. and i was greeted with the reality of dishes and the fact that my room smelled weird and the need for a shower. and the fact that i just spent another beautiful weekend, without my lover. but in two weeks it'll be all about us. together. arm in arm. face to face. lovely.
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